jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

The importance of the combination of the four skills for assessing listening

Sometimes we, as teachers, just care about the students performance in an specific skill, but not take into account that the performance of the four skills are very important in order to assess a competence. So, what happens with listening is that every so often teachers just focus on the performance of it but not in the whole competence of their students.
Another thing is that as I said before teachers frequently prepared test to evaluate each skill separately and they trust in the result they got. The thing is that each test cannot give professors the security that the students learn everything correctly. So, what we have to in order to assess the competence in to triangulate the results of the tests.
In addition to that Brown (2000), suggest some ways in which teachers can assess speaking as a whole and gives us some tasks:
·         Note-taking (listening-writing)
·         Editing(listening-writing)
·         Interpretative tasks(listening-speaking)
·         Retelling (listening-speaking)

As a conclusion, what is important in assessing listening is to take it into account as a whole, not just as a performance. And also as teachers we have the obligation to design a test that guarantees the students that all their process will be seen as a competence and not just as an evaluated skill.

miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

Principles of language assessment

Here you can find some information about assessmente, please go for the link and check the slides.